notepad++ | ruby192 | python26
notepad++ run: “C:\python26\python-notepad++.bat” $(FULL_CURRENT_PATH) save python-notepad++.bat under C:\python26\ notepad++ run: “C:\Ruby192\bin\ruby-notepad++.bat” $(FULL_CURRENT_PATH) save ruby-notepad++.bat under C:\Ruby192\bin\
run python script from notepad++ for maya 2011
notepad++ as a script editor deals better with indent, block comment toggle, replace, find, similar text highlighting etc comparing to the native maya script editor. there are existing product out…
UoN: processing demo
with rules govens Attraction + De-traction between circles of different colour create for demonstraion and working scripting example at the University of Nottingham for the current final year DipArch students…
pyBox: Diagramming Edition testBuild1
Built circle packing into node graph. Contract/Repell based on connections.
pyMGL: python space | maya space (video)
Looking at ideas of optimizing nearest object search between points from python and maya geometry. This video shows 3 curves in maya space, manipulated manually and stored in python as…