pyMGL: python space | maya space
In order to perform similar optimisation to maya geometries, they are to be stored in python data storage to communicate with python points|vector|loci
pyMGL: Progress03
First test pyMGL application: visualizing nearest neighbor search optimization within a point|vector|loci set using the “hanging moss” concept using standard fixed size pixels/voxels. Flickering resolved through a node that deals…
pyMGL: Progress02.2
Another test on pyMGL. Video demonstrates the possibility to visualize iterative results where results can be “baked” (in Rhino Grasshopper term) as Maya geometry (not shown in video but possible).
pyMGL: Progress02
Video of a WIP opengl drawing utility script for Maya: (pyMGL). Showing a simple point|vector|loci framework scripted in python, that could work as a basis to explore ideas in boids/flock/agent-base…
pyMGL: Progress01
Drawing of primitives: Points, Line, Triangle (3 points), Vector (point, line, triangle), Circle (by points), Quad (4 points), Voxel (2x Quads + 4 lines) in MGL space from scripted data…
Short video showing test of a WIP opengl drawing utility script for Maya: (pyMGL) based on previous exploration in opengl in Maya. Using Cellular Automata game of life in Maya,…