Align2line (Rhino)
Align block to vector in Rhino (20080909) Trying to do the same with sketchup. A lot harder to get the input, quite a lot of different methods. but it has…
Align2line (sketchup)
Align components to vector (20080908) the object picking method is only coded to deal with edges that lies on the X-axis. not quite sure how to code it to deal…
Rhino ~= Sketchup
Export sketchup array behavior to Rhino multiplecopy.rvb (MC) mod the copyobjects script to deal with copy+multiply dividecopy.rvb (DC) deals with copy+divide require script files: SU:RB FFD – R:CageEdit (Max:FFD)…
Export to scale
20080830 create to export jpg to scale (out by 1 or 2 pixels) first test to utilise javascript in UI for preview purpose Found a thread on a forum dated…
Multiple Scene Exporter
20080826 create to use in conjunction with shadow study scene creator at intervals 20090620 updated for photoshop export as different channels with pusedo depth map to use with photoshop DOF…