graphical relationship script sequencer on Sketchup: current progress

graphical relationship script sequencer on Sketchup: current progress

It has been a while since the working demo of this script sequencer on sketchup. Not long after that I realized the issues with scripting in as3+js (even with adobe air) lots of restrictions and limiations, really not ideal for a software, so I spent some time to re-program everything on the nodegraph side without the complication of as3+html webdialog+js. The baisc framework is now working i.e. node sequence, connections, special node(slider), communication between the 2 software, referencing sketchup entities, auto evaluate on changes etc., nothing much changed on the ruby side for now. hopefully I can make this available after getting a few examples done along with a basic tool palette to work with points, vectors, lines and faces.

7 thoughts on “graphical relationship script sequencer on Sketchup: current progress

    1. no fixed date yet but possibly in the next few months if i have time to work on this, the workflow and user experience between the graph and sketchup still needs some work before coding the set of basic tools in ruby

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