closest point on curve
Closest point on “line/curve/arccurve” in sketchup While in maya there are some easy API call to obtain the closest point on curves it is not the case in sketchup. All…
sketchup API wrapper for view.draw, draw visual feedback for script development. limited openGL exposure, unable to use things like VBO or even display list so everything has to be rebuilt…
vector intersection
reference for an implemenation (2nd) of 2d vector intersect function in maya with direction detection based on the following check if line intersect or not obatin actual intersection point…
space partition
space partition module for proximity check wip previous attempt partition space at a single fixed resolution i.e. size of partition. testing space parition using octree (squared) – each root node…
maya viewport 2.0 issue
trying to use openGL in viewport 2.0 on maya 2012 through python but not working at the moment problem with OpenMayaMPx.MPxDrawOverride argument error MHWRender::MPxDrawOverride::GeometryDrawOverrideCb and hence error in OpenMayaRender.MDrawRegistry.registerDrawOverrideCreator()
hex grid
Building hex grid by staggering stardard grid Characteristics: same distance between each cell’s center and neighbor center 6 immediate neighbor with shared edge Issues: Extra run time required to convert…