flash as3 socket to maya commandport
Testing maya commandport – flash as3 through socket* trying to get print results from script into as3 currently doing this using arbritry prefix i.e. 001 which sort the results into…
batch utility on inkscape commandline
batch convert svg to pdf/png using inkscape in commandline mode takes mutliple files and show progress change to path to inkscape svg2pdf(multiDrop).bat svg2png(multiDrop).bat can be modified for use in other…
curve region update 1
updated curveRegion to deal with multiple curves in a set in pairs based on operation. todo: 1. incorporate in maya dag as node 2. option to mesh regions (issue with…
nurbs manipulation
nurbs manipulation node (inNurbs, outNurbs, array[inPos], array[inCurves]) array[inPos], array[inCurves] attributes: displacement & distance
test nurbs manipulation
a node that takes a set of curves adjusting its y-value per cv with some basic cache so it runs faster when some curves is less dynamic (i.e. does not…