WP_themes + video in lightbox + embed for vimeo
Made some changes to the overall layout This time modifiying the actual theme php for greater customisation went for the 2-column + text-based navigation, also created a 1 coliumn version…
Packing test on rhino
Brute force place point with size (circle) at random loaction, constrain and align to polysurface.
Ecotect weather data
http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/energyplus/cfm/weather_data.cfm .epw can be import as .wea
CA using as3 attempt 01
Gets very slow with large population. Have to look at the data storage methods again.
UoN: processing demo
Created some basic demonstration / examples / framework in a few hours to introduce Processing and to show some key ideas in general scripting. 1. differences by number 2. points…
Auto ftp upload & create embed code for swf
Have been quite happy with using zoundry raven sending post through to wordpress, eliminating the need to go through browser and login until I need to embed the swf earlier….