mesh face offset by vertex color
Left to right: colorPerVertex, temporary drawing, new mesh result
mesh face offset by distance
Left to right: 1. Original mesh 2. Extrude face and scale 3. Alternative: Maya node for offset mesh faces by distance adding hole in polygon face is sometimes done by…
static circle packing
quick processing sketch, static circle packing by repeated insert, setting initial max radius
city generator
image above: a basic city generator coded for presentation & workshop at the EUSS2012, reflecting existing building types and policies in the form of a series of image maps that…
recusive division on a 2d polygon
A bounded region is recursively divided into regions until a condition is met. Each split line may consists of small points that are iterated in small steps (as shown above)….
polyline offset
i ii iii native offset in rhino, maya and microstation for degree 1 curve/polyline i) rhino produces additional segments from its cleaning procedure, it handles single island within closed/looped polyline…