mesh face offset by vertex color 2
All vertices in face are aligned and project to xzplane from its best fit plane for the 2d offset operation then converted back therefore resulting offset holes are always planar….
computes parametric curves from control points for 1. Beizer 2. BSpline 3. Nurbs export gl drawing on screenspace as 2D svg: paramCurve2.svg
vector | polygon mesh
1. iterative vector regular distrubtion 2. polycut 3. rebuild polygon mesh at face center
polygon face offset on face with holes
Maya 2013 api only – creation of faces with holes MFnMesh::addPolygon and MFnMesh::addHoles
mesh face offset by vertex color
Left to right: colorPerVertex, temporary drawing, new mesh result
mesh face offset by distance
Left to right: 1. Original mesh 2. Extrude face and scale 3. Alternative: Maya node for offset mesh faces by distance adding hole in polygon face is sometimes done by…