polyline offset
i ii iii native offset in rhino, maya and microstation for degree 1 curve/polyline i) rhino produces additional segments from its cleaning procedure, it handles single island within closed/looped polyline…
space partition
translating python scripts to c++ initially tried to write octree building a tree structure using max bounding box, octree would be faster to build and for proximity search, but unsure…
hexagon on srf
grasshopper c# component – creates a basic hex grid from a 2d point grid, returns A-cells (curve) B-center (point3d) CShexgrid1.gh
curve class module for script sequencer on Sketchup: attempt 1
[1] [2] [1] [3] nurb/spline curves and surfaces are usually drawn in opengl or flash 3d engine as polyline by interpolating control points. This is nothing new to sketchup since…
space partition, agents and some reminder for myself
reworked the object class for a voxel spatial tree (with octree divisions but not utilised in the image above) and object class for agents – position, vector, loci, type etc…