OpenGL note: drawing concave polygon
Drawing concave polygons and polygon with holes in OpenGL using GLUtesselator. Basic OpenGL (GL_POLYGON ) only renders convex polygons. reference:
pyMGL viewport 2.0
Still issue with getting the drawing override to work in python to display custom gl entities in viewport 2.0, so I turned to C++ based on the example in the…
top: svg vector graphic output composite: vector graphic on top of mental ray render (rasterized for weblog) bottom: playblast maya viewport with some maya geometry and drawing with pyMGL Convert…
rbSGL test
A video in real-time showing an implementation of CA game of life on sketchup drawn with view.draw wrapper rbSGL
sketchup API wrapper for view.draw, draw visual feedback for script development. limited openGL exposure, unable to use things like VBO or even display list so everything has to be rebuilt…
vector graphics by scripting + render overlay
in-progress: translate pyMGL to vector graphic. wireframe (show through geometry)